prescript: this has perhaps become by far the most un-formative random [short..ya right..when did i start doing short posts??] write up. nevertheless i must point out here that i am at my digressing worst. i have uniformity for a change. yeah!
but read it at your own risk. and if u do at all..then do comment...let me know what i have done here.
"the finest steel goes through the hottest furnace."
why? why does ambition have to face adversities??
okay here's the deal..
either u sit back..relax..join daddy's buisness and be a lame dependent wat other ppl do ..and be a mute moron!
the moment u get that zing..that "eureka" moment..the troubled paradise unfolds!
i don get it..y is life so goddamn difficult for people who wanna take the untrodden path..??
seriously speaking...behind all those rich successful smirks are truckloads of pain and sweat.
Winston Churchill said:"no battle is won without blood, sweat and tears" AND ruthlessness!![my version.this]
damaged we all are..some of us a little more than the others!
the most cognitive of journeys are those from difficulties to success! but i guess its all worth it!
have u ever felt like "the chosen one"
like god's made u with the finest stuff and has put u in this big puzzled world to do something inexplicably great with ur life?
have u ever had your parents tell u: "what u wanna do is gonna really wreck u till its over..u're gonna live on the cutting edge..we can make ur life more comfortable if only u wud listen"
listen to me...why? do get inspired by the stereotypically amazing success stories
"bill gates dropped out of university and he went on to become the wealthiest man in the world"
"Einstein flunked math in high school"
no! no!
what are we trying to prove here?? go figure.
every one's got their own each his own!
but i know this much for sure..
"We're here to make a dent in the universe. Otherwise, why even be here? We're gonna create a completely new consciousness, like an artist or a poet. We're gonna rewrite the history of human thought with what we're doing. That's how you have to think of this."
PS this might sound a really weird out of the world insane piece of writing...
its not weird ..its pure!
random it is. but so am I.
PPS you may not be able to relate to might not even get any link this really has been written for me...i can understand ..i can relate.
however..watchin pirates of silicon valley might help here.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
We're here to make a dent in the universe.
Posted by
12:52 PM
Sunday, June 3, 2007
deal with it!!
no! i wasnt sufferin from writer's block.
and no! i wasnt tryin to test the patience of my readers!
so im back!
i was just plainly and simply studdin! aha! studdyin sounds more "studdish " than studyin...right? another thing ive realised is that i have no regard whatsoever for the limitations of any language or scipt ..definitely not angrezi!
i change words...form my own phrases and completely and wholly and approximately and precisely talk rubbish!
i just did it again! god! im just too good!
so i payed my price... sat did me!! n in a way big manner! awrite folks...i had my sat reasoning test yesterday and i had readin as i am good at critrical readin but that doesnt justify their meanness ! dont they bloody well know that CR is the longest and most exasperatin of all sections?? here i was tryin to burgeon my way to finish it on time and i get stuck ...eventually i was able to finish section 8 wich was readin, by takin extra time from math!! yesh!! is sneaked and bent down and did readin in my math time and after gettin caught made a darn puppy face.."poodlish " and managed to get away with it! dude!!! i am a girl..this is just the tip of the ice berg of priviledges i'm entitled to!!
sorry boys!! girls have all da funn! ;)
i also managed to yell at one person and give ignominously filthy stares to three others...actually this guy in my class had an inexorably painstakingly sickenin accent!
he went like.."yo haf 2 calcis..kaan yo gi mey bun?"
wat are calcis?? sounds more liek calcium tablets than calculators!
and wen did anyone start callin me yo??
so i shrugged but he persisted..
"plaze! i faurgaut to get mine..hayve marci!"
alrite!! i think he forgot to get "mind"
and i certainly do not wanna have no cannibal! plus am a strict vegetarian ..PeTA anyone??
which reminds me...
after the "not so good " exam i went to def col to meet mademoiselle aqseer who had 4 other funny people with her...who were good company though! [im still pissed off!][hmmm...]
they all ordered chicken!!!!
and i actually survived watchin 2 guys and 3 girls feastin on a poor animal!i was totally grossed out!
my inner conscience said
" STOP them! stop em girl! wat r u waitin for ?"
but i guess they were too ruthless and had an insatiable voracious apetite for non veg!
one of them was pointin a fork at me incessantly until aqseer had to threaten her friend with dire consequences for doin such a repulsive act! did i say he still kept doin it?? i came home i realised the irony of the situation..
i am fully totally 100% vella now![vella is dilli bhasha for "someone who has nothin to do" but again in a temporary manner]
for the first time i felt like i wanted my exams to keep goin on ! after school got over this was the first time i actualy missed it!
i am already bored and pissed!
watev! ignorance is bliss
so i choose not to ponder too much on this.
its been quite a while since i listened to moojic! actually i find it vigorously hard to concentrate on work with songs in the background and find it stupidly useless to just sit there and hum along with the ipod! i seriously cannot sit and listen dumbfounded..which is also a reason why i gave away ,pretendin i' m sacrificin though, my ipod to my kid sis [ dayumm! i m good at it! i can be behrry behrry manipulative if i want to]
another realisation[i have been havin many of these lately]
y are all the good movies on when the exams are goin on?
i mean..2 days before my exam ..some channel played pirates of the silicon valley[ by the way i totally am infatuated by that fact i am in love with it..coz infatuation is more lik a short term thing]and just 1 day before it, they played findin nemo!
motherfuckers!!! whats with them??
and today..when i have all the time in the world to feast my eyes on a good movie..they're playin catwoman!!! halle berry SUCKS!!!!
and this whole phenomena SUCKS TOO!
i pulled out a dvd of home alone 2 and watched it theh 56458348 time.
hehe...thats just a random number ... don be not an isolated house- arrested-basement -dwellin lunatic who hasnt seen the light of the day!!
which reminds me i was with 5 kids frm dpsrkp and while they were havin conversations abt their school people ..i couldnt help but realise that i knew almost all of 'em! Orkut silly!
i feel like i know more people from their school than my own!!
orkut has made the world a smaller place..though i always belived in the 6 degree theory [the one that says that everyone in the world is connected by every sixth person..we're all like in a chain of sorts]
funny it is. so i was also termed a "net stalker!" :P
cool it is. but still. i aint an isolated lunatic!
no seriously!
so..the movie...i do digress a lot ..dont i?
err...again i did! the movie..
there's this particular line in it... which i seriosly like,
this kid is watchin some gangster flick and the don says:
"keep the change , you filthy animal!"
ahh!!! made my day!
soooo totally lowwed it!
i tend to like small stupid random things and give em too much importance which by the way totally rocks! cz happiness coems in small packages!
but that doesnt go down too well with my mom!
i once tried explanin her my theory abt "less marks bein better" and i mentioned this quote as an evidence of sorts!
and my mom's like
"no hunny! no! dont even think about it!"
whose given our parents the right to rule us?? okay they themselves have! i would clearly like to point out here taht i have awesome folks and i consider myself the damm lucky girl whose got it all! soemtimes. but i see my friends sufferin at teh hands of their folks and i dislike it!
yesterday i also came to terms with fact that i really do have a genuine dislike for most people..not like im some people- hater but i dont really "like " people!
this completely contradicts what most people might think about me.
so im this congenial gregarious person but watev.
i just dont.
and anyhow whats with these news channel people?? yesterday i found myself watchin the "abhiash" weddin video for no reason for like 20 minutes non stop!
i was ridiculed with myself. but i was just tryin to engage my sick and restless mind which was goin under depression for not havin anythin to do!
so point is....arent our indian new channels deterioratin by the minute??
i am an avid follower of "the big fight" which airs on ndtv on weekends and i was completely shocked out of my wits when i saw rakhi sawant on it(!!!!) and no barkha dutt!!! some new lad is anchorin it now!!
but hell!! barkha dutt is the reason'de'etre' for most people watchin the damm show!!atleast me!!
and rakhi sawant was out there ramblin like her usual self. nonsense that woman is!if theres one female who i feel puts down the entire "nari jaati" to shame ..its miss rakhi sawant ! she's an utter disgrace!
and guess what happens next??? i wake up today expectin it to be a nice sunday mornin and fetch the newspaper for myself...i so conpletely love sunday times...
i am smitten by shashi tharoor...i really like "shashi on sunday" srslee smitten!
i have been meanin to write this since a long fact i planned to write a whole article on him but then such is the sadness of my sad life..that i can never finish anythin on time! you've heard this one before!
digressed again,never mind..its shashi tharoor.i love this guy.period.
so i opened the paper and flipped through delhi times first. i usually do that. delhi times first then the usual "education times" or "what's hot" and then i progress to the main digest. i believe in keepin good stuff for the end.
so followin my usual routine i grabbed dt..cursed peter punj and riddhima kapoor and all the other page 3 glitterati for havin enormous fortune and irrefutable good looks but not doin mankind a favor. god! they're just wastin all the goddamm money on cocktails and spas?? why cant they start some humanitarian work?? for starters ...can they pay for my college tution??? eh?
then i looked up movie timings because thats gonna take up a large portion of my free time now. catchin fact i have got to watch so mny....procrastination again.
pirates..shrek3 ...cheenikum et al!
then the grand finale!!!
miss rakhi sawant on front page of times life!
the title read : I DARE TO BE ME!
even more downright egregiously disgustin:
okay so now lil miss " i'm so dumb -i dont know the spellin of dumb" claims that poor christ up there near the pearl gates is teh one who wants miss sawant to wear no clothes and disgrace womanhood and all things existent!
another realisation...
people can be really peevin and annoyin and can get on ur last nerves and be so outrageous taht u wanna smack them on the face ..kill them and land up in tihar jail!
aww its a harsh world.
PS i just realised that this has become a really long post.
DEAL WITH IT people!
Posted by
9:09 AM
Saturday, June 2, 2007
my happy ending
There's this unaldulterated sort of piety in happiness.
Robert Frost said: "happiness makes up in height what it lacks in length!" so true ..
and according to me ..nothin brings more happiness than accomplishment..
losing meself in work and than seein the flourishin results make my day! today was a realy good day..did i say good..neah...amazinn :)
as a result of a series of unfortunate events that i underwent last year [ i like puttin in movie titles to express meself]..i had become almost averse to happiness..u know..the type of people who dun really want to be upbeat cz they've gotten so frustrated wid all the ..well.."persistent blues"..
as a matter of fact..i had developed a strong liking for normal days..i liked normal days..they made me feel ..umm..."normal"
but i still had that small teeny weeny inkling urge for joy..i totally belive in the phrase "a Journey of a thousand steps begins with the first"..i guess its a japanese proverb..
point is..i consider the followin as one of the worth taken first steps...
i participated in a "word war " of sorts was actually a bunch of people ..around 50 of us..from good schools[i wanna make sure u guys KNOW that i din win laurels amongst a couple of fools]..we were supposed to address on various issues...more like an impromptu test our vocab and conversational skills and thought expression capability.
for instance...the proposed bill reagarding the people who've done grad in US gettin green cards..[cool]..and about how the steppin down of tony blair and the 'coronation' of sorts of gordon brown is gonna change the fate of britain..and whether schumacher is the god of all F1 drivers..yeah..he does have soem competion in ayrton senna[the poor fella died almost as soon as he began...god rest him in peace].but schumi still rules the podinum..whoever thinks alonso is good shud go fuk himself!
so you would have inevitably grasped by now...i won!
i dominated the whole discourse and that is more important to me than anything else..i felt "my life is brilliant" and i forgot abt all the ill fated unfortunate happenings of the past..
i wonder how the tiniest of things bring me such immense pleasure..
may be its correctly said "happiness comes in small packages!" :)
here i would wanna add that i would solemnly testify for the excellent skills of my competitors..which include quite a lot of brainy asses!
just the way i like...
i mean what could be better than havin a bunch of people with who u can loiter around the streets of janpath singin "take it easy"[love eagles] sickly awful bad ass stupid hindi sex comedies and laugh your ass off..have mississipi mud pie at mocha's [i never get the spellin of mississipi right! damm!] ..praise your own MACs and drool over everything "apple" and still talk about hemingway,coelho,wodehouse and dahl in the same breath!
this is my abso-fukin-lute idea of a purrfect company! though i always make a complete fool of myself among em..i mean they completely cannot get convinced how someone can be so dumb to have swallowed one full spoon of coffee...what am i? reatrded?
and i cannot bring myself to identify with any of raghav's weird fetish[whats the plural of fetish?] for computer lingos!! i m like illetrate through his eyes...
what the hell? just because i donno how to write programs in C++ and watev.. doesnt mean i dont have the right to live??
he totally crazily worshipd such langs and practicaly knows all teh existing ones...
I on the other hand just knw a few et cetera.[i hate etc...prefer the whole word]
i dont find them adorable but neither am i repulsed ..infact i really like the way the word "linux "sounds..
L-I-N-U-X. nice. i queerly like words ending in "x"
they're all great thinkers and even better doers!
plus WE all swear by CATCh 22!
thats a masterpiece by josepf heller for all those who dont know.
so to cut a long story short blissful today! feel like a godess..
guess im flyin too high in self glory..hehe..its not like i've got admision in harvard!
plus discoverin a new song "stand by me" by ben .e. king (right was not by john lennon)(voila!) added to the felicity! people..stand by me is an extremely heart winnin number..the kind of song u can just hum along while strummin your guitars even when u don know m of music!
all this while..there has been a recuuring thought in my mind..why does "kiss me" have such weird lyrics? talkin of weird lyrics..some of U2's songs take away the trophy[i love U2.period.]on that account...ive never really understood what actually is the concept of the song "with or without you"..though i'm hopelessly in love with it! what does avril wanna tell us ..
"Swing me ..upon it's hanging tire,
Bring bring..bring your flowerhat..we'll take the trail marked on your
father's map..." [?????] :/
but i agree that the song is simply ecstatic!
well..i realised somethin today..its all in our we feel..our happiness should never depend on anyone..expectations seriously bring misery!
its I who decides what happens in my life... how will i fill the blank? greys or pinks? i assume u understand here that greys's for sorrow and pink for happiness.[Sometimes, things just don’t make sense. Nonsensical ]
on this contented blissful note..i end it here.
now i'll go and read one of the regulars..i guess ill do one of dahl's today..simply awwwsum he is!
wait..i have even developed this new habit of speakin and writin like yoda...the green fellow frm star wars..r'ber?
hmm..nice thing it is.
now go..i must!
hehe.. :D
err...i use too many brackets ...dont i?? [bear with me] ;)
PS another happy stuff...blogger introduces automatic saving next time when the comp blows up or there's some darn electricity problem..i wont have to worry!!! wowwww!
PPS todays's a good day for bubble bath! :P
Posted by
11:19 AM