It costs just $15.99 and i totally want it, them asses don ship it to india. anyone willing to help out me poor baby , pls contact . PLEEES!
you wont have to pay, i'll do that! duh!
and yea, u will be suitably rewarded! i mean it! :P
@random passerbys: i dun generally do this on me blog, those who're startled, just carry on reading previous posts.
peace out,
"the girl whose desperate for this shirt"
Monday, September 24, 2007
love Help thy neighbor blogger
Posted by
5:27 AM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Little less conversation
hullo people,
It's a frikkin sunday and it doesn't feel like one. work studies work studies, u get the picture.
yesterday was a very girlie day for me n nitya, we shopped till we dropped, actually we hardly shopped, just became dead tired. courtesy moi. i am one person who'll roam around all ze markets of Delhi for one pair of stilettos, u see, perfection is hard but does exist!
how can u possibly settle for suede brown stilettos when u want chocolate brown ones? Now u know why my mom has disowned me when it comes to shopping.
anyway, so we had a fun day apart from the usual feet hurtin episodes, for those of you who're interested, espirit has an awesome collection for this fall! to die for.
so i went to this mall called Ansal's where u just have too many ppl and too many shops and too many bird watchers, i mean guys look at u like they've never seen a female before! GRRrrr
somethin which I've been noticing since a very long time is that McDonald's is always full! its over flowing, u have 4 ppl who donno each other sittin on one effing table cz there is no frikkin space!!!
wat is wrong with us delhites??? are we not entertained?? [ i shudnt try being like maximus, only russell crowe is good at it][maximus is the gladiator guy for those of you who've just woken up from deep slumber]
no but srslee, ppl just hound that place like its got some sorta diamond free with every burger or watev.
ah! now i know, with the dumb "old world prices crap", u have shit ass burgers for 20 bucks , thats why any and everyone wants to go there! i despise McDonald's! totally with every blood cell in my veins and arteries and capillaries!
so as ive figured that most of you dun really care abt the photo blog [do i? ofcourse i do] , so i'd rather publish this pic i clicked yesterday here !
as i was sittin fag tired in front ov one of the shops, i saw this cute lil bunny girl hoppin around and she totally captivated me!
i took a few pics by bribing the guard with my sweet looks and puppy faces and a pic for him! twas fun!i loved this kiddo!
here be a pic:
oh n if u haven't noticed, the glass has my reflection on it it, the black harem pants person is moi! :)
happy sunday everyone, take care of you!
PS click pic to enlarge and realise the cuteness of the situation
Posted by
8:27 AM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
I tried being reasonable, I didn't like it.
Dear people,
i have realised that i like beginning my posts as if I'm already in the midst of a conversation with y'all. it gives me immense joy to discuss issues close to my heart and issues not so close to my heart and read your articulate views on them.
I've realised that this blog has become a part of my life which might not be essential but is quite important. to think of it, i was planning to shut it down a week back as i was certainly not able to keep up with my schedule and the responsibility to maintain it. bah, i chucked it, i like it here.
so my brilliant readers,
i have been hell busy lately which is exactly the reason i haven't been writing.
my apologies.
plus after a daily dose of college essays , i am already to exhausted and idea-less to write anything worthwhile for you guys to read.
it's also been running through my head that my blog is so completely random n personal, why would anyone read it?
all i talk about is stuff happening to me which is of no concern to anyone.
then why do people read it? that's a rhetorical question.
why, becz you're wunnerful of course.
today's my mom's bday and i don't have a gift for her, I'm an ungrateful daughter.
should i cook her a meal, im a chef extraordinaire after all, or should i take her to watch a play or somethin ?
boy, if only parents could tell us what they wanted like we do.
on second thoughts, that would be really annoying, becz then we would feel like we're obliged to do it and its never a good idea to do somethin to oblige someone which is precisely the reason i do not ask for gifts!
update: i think Clint Eastwood is the perfect man for me. anyone whose remotely close to him in real life can approach , which means no one will becz he's one of a kind. Clint Eastwood is one guy who can give u an orgasm even when he's like 70! he's most probably the only screen guy who i actually dig! i'm not much of a "i heart tom cruise/johnny depp/fill some name" kinder person!
shoot! i got hell lotta studies+work+essays etc to do, let me just keep my mind off it!
till then,
“Go ahead, make my day”
-Clint " my man" Eastwood!
see ye'
Posted by
2:44 AM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Star light Star bright
Dear "all you wunnerful readers",
My apologies for the hiatus, but i have been experiencing lots of life changing ordeals lately. To begin with, i must say that today was one of the those days of my life which i wanna cherish forever! the kinds which u never ever wanna erase from your memory.
Well, despite being an utterly difficult and opinionated and brutally honest friend that i have been ,Leia, one of my best friends has bestowed upon me the honor of being her bridesmaid! :)
This means a lot to me , or to any girl for that matter! i cannot express the happiness that i am experiencing. I haven't mentioned on this blog ever , but i am a hardcore elegance and womanhood fanatic. i love the whole concept of corsets , Victorian era literature , architecture, teapots (those of u who've seen my photo blog would agree here)
Since Leia wants to have a prim n proper Victorian themed wedding, i get to wear an ornate 'Belgian lace gown'. PERFECT!!
right, more scoop on this will follow, the wedding's like a lot of months away so i can breathe and feel high about myself .
Anyway, today i realised something really amazing, my copy of catch22 has become so old that its pages have yellowed and the paper has become brittle and parchment quality. thats sheer bliss.
i have always adored old books with yellowed parchment paper and now i actually own one. it makes a whole lot more sense to me becz catch22 is one of my fave books. and i bought it with my own money. boy, am i growing up too soon or what?
Then i became all bookie -smelly and went down to the attic to have a look at all my old books.
i saw my fairy tales, my fables , my nursery rhymes,
i have inherited this from my mother - i never throw away a book .my house might look like a hundred year old library, but i will retain all the books i ever own. i still have my kindergarten sketch books, where I've made those silly little drawings with mountains and trees and triangular red brick houses.
As a kid i was an avid choral recitation lover. still am , just love the elocutions and recitals. i rber performing on one of the recitals in 5th grade where i recited the poem "Tummy Beast" by Roald Dahl! i won 2nd slot and after an hour of crying and hot chocolate fudge, became complacent.
I've grown up with Roald Dahl. No writer can ever hold such a place in my heart as did Dahl. i love him with all my heart.
After this particularly happy reunion with my old books, i felt really high. it left me with that magical warm feeling. and suddenly i realised that i was all grown up.
i feel having a great childhood is very important. i thank my parents for giving me all the joys i could ever think of. i mean , i cant imagine a life without books, rhymes , tea parties and daffodil dresses with satin ribbons. i 've been blessed.touch wood.
I'll part words now with this wunnerful rhyme that i loved as a kid and I'm sure all of u did too!
why, i still love it. :)
"Star light, star bright,
The first star I see tonight,
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have the wish I wish tonight."
PS i almost forgot, its september eleven everyone, lets pray for those poor people who lost their loved ones six years back on this day and lets hope that this evil war is over soon . may the souls rest in peace . and may the unfortunate minds who spread this unnecessary terror realise what an awful thing they're doing. let there be peace.
Posted by
4:38 AM
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Yuh huh... Right!
Hey people,
life's been amusing lately.
by the way, not only was i under-estimating the biology subject tests but was also OVER estimating my learning capacities! boy, its hard!! guess, i'll just deal with it!
anyway, i think Rihanna has done a fab job with the song Umbrella(ella ella eh eh), hehe! lurve listening to it over and over.
i registered for my SATs and got American Embassy as my test centre!
DAYUMM! that place is effing sick! they don give a single minute extra! and its the worst spot in the world to give ur sat1 paper, with the timing stupidity and the different section bullshit to add on to the misery!!
fank god, i didn't have to go there for sat1!
but i would've preferred avoiding that place again this time 'round too!
as luck would have it! :(
anyway, I've been flooded in with requests to put up comic strips on this blog and i so so agree. some of my really sweet readers dropped in mails sayin i should take up comic stripping (pun?)! :P
as desperate as i am to make my own cartoons, I'm horrfified to let u know that i completely suck at it!
[will make specimens and put them up here for better understanding!]
so, on one of my random rendezvous on the cyber space, i saw this ignominious ridiculous strip!
click on it and READ it! what the hell do they mean, them ppl?
Mannn! bloggers are an effin' underestimated lot!
PS i do not have a shiity haircut!
Posted by
12:08 PM
Monday, September 3, 2007
Aimless/Mindless sprints
Ummm, not only have i brought procrastination to new levels but have also completely washed out all chances of proper time usage.
the only reason i haven't been writing is because: "i don't feel like"
lame,it is. in the past days, i have refused to do anything worthwhile and the only time occupying thing which i do is running monster mad aimlessly.
as i have mentioned on this site earlier, I'm in love with this b block park near my place which also happens to be a yoga spot for dirty muffs. i 've also begun to despise yoga as i despise every other exercise form which doesn't involve quick sweat and breathlessness. you should feel the rhythm burning your body! bah, i cant make several poses and stay that way just because its the most followed work out in the world and that bikram dude is earning millions by getting a patent on it and because Madonna feels its dope!
am planning to justify the title by enlightening y'all with my humdrum random un-purposeful running. i have begun to brim with happiness with this new pursuit of life. i just put on my converse, walk to the park and run aimlessly long distance!
people watch me and i watch myself. :) (as always)
i have a fetish , a newfound fetish for extreme physical exertion AND it is here to stay.
in the early morning, some oldies refuse to leave the park alone becz they have some yoga groupie thing going on but otherwise its a peaceful place.
in the later part of evenings, a bunch of rowdy guys inhabit the place they like calling their football field. if it hadn't been for my love for football, i would've complained to the society cz the entrance of the park says: " no sports to be played on the grass" and since tha whole park has grass, so there.
i also realised that i have the potential to stay quiet for two entire days consecutively. i can go 48 hours without parting my buccal cavity (lips/mouth) except for intake of nutrition aka food.
that is all for now readers, I've got mindless running to do.
and if i don't write for a number of days, that's just becz i don feel like.
take care everyone ,wherever you are.
PS this quote makes sense to me , more than anything ever has!
"It's your life and it's ending one minute at a time"
Posted by
5:50 AM