Sunday, September 23, 2007

Little less conversation

hullo people,
It's a frikkin sunday and it doesn't feel like one. work studies work studies, u get the picture.
yesterday was a very girlie day for me n nitya, we shopped till we dropped, actually we hardly shopped, just became dead tired. courtesy moi. i am one person who'll roam around all ze markets of Delhi for one pair of stilettos, u see, perfection is hard but does exist!
how can u possibly settle for suede brown stilettos when u want chocolate brown ones? Now u know why my mom has disowned me when it comes to shopping.
anyway, so we had a fun day apart from the usual feet hurtin episodes, for those of you who're interested, espirit has an awesome collection for this fall! to die for.

so i went to this mall called Ansal's where u just have too many ppl and too many shops and too many bird watchers, i mean guys look at u like they've never seen a female before! GRRrrr

somethin which I've been noticing since a very long time is that McDonald's is always full! its over flowing, u have 4 ppl who donno each other sittin on one effing table cz there is no frikkin space!!!
wat is wrong with us delhites??? are we not entertained?? [ i shudnt try being like maximus, only russell crowe is good at it][maximus is the gladiator guy for those of you who've just woken up from deep slumber]
no but srslee, ppl just hound that place like its got some sorta diamond free with every burger or watev.
ah! now i know, with the dumb "old world prices crap", u have shit ass burgers for 20 bucks , thats why any and everyone wants to go there! i despise McDonald's! totally with every blood cell in my veins and arteries and capillaries!

so as ive figured that most of you dun really care abt the photo blog [do i? ofcourse i do] , so i'd rather publish this pic i clicked yesterday here !
as i was sittin fag tired in front ov one of the shops, i saw this cute lil bunny girl hoppin around and she totally captivated me!
i took a few pics by bribing the guard with my sweet looks and puppy faces and a pic for him! twas fun!i loved this kiddo!
here be a pic:

oh n if u haven't noticed, the glass has my reflection on it it, the black harem pants person is moi! :)

happy sunday everyone, take care of you!

PS click pic to enlarge and realise the cuteness of the situation


Anonymous said...

Wtf is harem pants??
Dude and i know, you so suck at shopping! The fateful day i went for "accessory shopping" with you is etched in me mind for life. i mean what is with you girls? why the fudge is shopping sucha task?

I do admire the perceptiveness of you to have seen the kid frolicking around despite the fatigue AND i also admire the presence of mind to have taken a picture to keep the moment forever. because, i wouldn't have given a rats ass to either! lol
no seriously, good work pretty girl!

None said...

Yeah, stupid Sunday

Anu said...

@nick : harem pants are like the new rage, they're like those pants worn by arabian belly dancers except they're not transparent, you'll catch me wearin them a lot.
oh and i take time cz i want the best stuff!
and fank u for thy kind words.

@rohit: indeed.

Anonymous said...

You write abt anything under the sun.
The pic is cute, i found the fingers particularly attractive .good work.

Anonymous said...

AND mcdonalds is a cheap place so people hound it and the food doesnt stink so much. so there

None said...

the krispy kreme nearest to me is going out of business :'(

Anu said...

@rohit: awww, i feel for you!
thats such a pity!
buh why? are they not gettin nuff business, do u want me to move to roch to uplift their sales?? :P
oh no wait, they must be openin an outlet in delhi, tell them that if they sell it at 20 bucks, all of india will practically live there!

@rags: dude, i don think this reeks of good sales ethics, i just dont agree. it sucks. period.

Anu said...


Anonymous said...

Whats there to comment, she looks cute. What else?

Ramit Singal said...

I quite like McD's. You have to admit that it is the best thing out there if you have a near empty pocket. Then again, the crowd at that place is pathetic ...

The baby's quite cute. The eyes, especially. I hate shopping though.

Anu said...

@ ramit: i know the food is kinder nice , but the crowd n ambience SUCKS! i avoid that place usually.
oh n you're a guy, you've got to hate shopping !thats like in ure male genetic code! hehe
n the girl is not really photogenic i must say, cz she looked MUCH cuter in reality! :D

Anonymous said...

hey ..firstly dat sweeto baby is just so very sweett...
n actually every dam kid eva born is sweeter dan each 1 of em..(dunno if dat made sense)...
n specially girl kids..(ah m gettin partial here)...

n u know..abt ur shooppin thigy..n perfectness..
same here dis side..
ma parents 2 hate it wen i make dem wwalk arnd da whole place(market)da wholoe day n just end up sayin.."i don really like it dat much.."(wid a lovely sheepish smile)...
so da result..i just don go shoopin at al.."NOT AT AL"...kinda hate it now..

Anonymous said...

n heyyy ..
not been updated wiv u since long...
so hows ur prep goin??

Anu said...

okay despite all my painful feet hurting experiences, i still am a shopaholic!
guess im just a hardcore bitch! hehe

oh im doin good,
and ira your comments are like the sweetest ones always. keep em on kiddo.

Anonymous said...

hey hey hey...
i dunno weder u read it..
but i did write a comment in sm of ur post in here..DAT..
"how much more i prefer bein calld a KIDDIE dan a KIDDO.."
donya think da former sounds just soooo sweeeettt...

AND THANKS THANKS THANKS...A TON... for sayin dat.."m utterly honoured".."u happen 2 tolerate ma posts"...SOMEHOW!!!

n den i got 2 much of "vella" time don worry..u'll not b surprised 2 c ur blog flooded wiv senseless comments of mine..LOL LOL..

Anonymous said...

hey hey hey ...
i just saw dat pic on ur blog...

"queen bee with ze baby bitches [ deepti me n akku]"...

din get who u wer referrin 2 by dat queen bee..n i akkus lukin sweet..she always luks so inm pics but shes a big big big bully..(..atleast for me..)

BUT how can u use dat word "*****" for deepti di...
shes da most adorable lovable gentle humble creature i hv eva cm across..

Anu said...

deepti is a close friend and much more. tend to use such words for ppl who are real close to you.
oh n my bad. will call u kiddie from now on.

UDit said...

good stuff puttar! uhhh...harem pants? really? chuck the fashion trends man, ur fashion style should such that it lasts forever... so u never have to buy new clothes or go to shopping! lol...
McD is definitely a very practical place to dine. I feel fine by eating a single burger for 20 bucks with a glass of water! but tum toh bade log... hehe....
The pic is beautiful, the curious look on her face along with her innocence is wonderfully gr8!

Anu said...

hehe, you're such a puttar urself!! and i wear harem pants cz i like them , not becz of some fad! you know me!!

oh n talkin of eating habits, u have to agree, mine are the bestest! :D