Monday, October 29, 2007


I have exams. and my AIM stopped working.
co incidence?? i think NOT.

Houston, we have a problem!

By the way, correction : i hated Gregor Mendel ( the guy who got genetics into the picture...Mendelian laws anyone?). So i hated him, but yesterday when i was doing genetics, i realised, i just despised the damm guy for creating genetics, and i hated genetics becz i never bothered to study it. and now that i did, BOY! its stinkin awesome. lurve it!

anyhoo,later mates, i got biology to do :S
Oh and Facebook is evil. and its not even funny!

Here's a Calvin quickie. for your eyes only.
Calvin has got to be the slickest bloke i know. period.

I'll be back!


Anonymous said...

Use the force Anu!

Ramit Singal said...

Facebook is a drug.

Enjoy genetics.

And study hard! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

May the force be with you! :P
Always be thankful to me :)

sid said...

OMG, that comic strip is my all time favorite Calvin and Hobbes: Against my religious principles.. classic.

Anonymous said...

Tell me bout it.
classic indeed. :P

Ramit Singal said...

Then there was the one in which he goes:

"They say that the satisfaction of teaching makes up for the lousy pay"
*After answering a question with an essay I do not remember word-by-word*

Another classic. I know, I probably shouldn't start this topic or we'll have a 100 comments in no time :P

Anu said...

i know for a fact, that none of us would mind.
calvin is my first love.
guilty as charged. :)