Friday, May 4, 2007

Seven steps to a threesome. dis somewhere...
err...ppl actually write such stuff.
err err.. ppl actually DO such stuff.
never mind.

so da seven steps are..

1 - Buy cheap antique-like vase from thrift store.

2 - Tell girlfriend that your grandmother gave it to you and make up an elaborate and meaningful history relevant to your entire family.

3 - Wait for girlfriend to get blackout drunk. (And end up sleeping at your place)

4 - Break vase.

5 - When girlfriend wakes up, be sitting at your desk trying to glue the vase back together.

6 - Tell girlfriend that she broke the vase while she was drunk.

7 - Wait for girlfriend to say "OMG, how can I make it up to you??

who'd fall for THAT??? :?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

guess ur bf never tried this on you!!!!